Will window tint cause glass to break?
Glass breaks from improper stress. There are five types of stress which may cause glass breakage: 1. Thermal Stress--from absorption ...
Can Window Film be used on Low E windows?
Whether window film should be used on low E windows and how much you will benefit depends on three factors: ...
Will window film kill my house plants?
In most cases if a house plant is already receiving adequate light the use of window film will not harm ...
How should I clean my windows after film is applied?
Windows with film applied are easily cleaned without damage to their appearance as long as a few common-sense guidelines are ...
How long will film last?
The effective life of window film will vary by the type of film, type of glass, window construction, compass orientation ...
Will window film really stop fading of fabrics?
There are six factors affecting fabric fading: 1. Ultraviolet Light 2. Visible Light 3. Heat and Humidity 4. Chemical Vapors ...
What are the benefits of window film?
Benefits of dealer installed window film products for residential and commercial buildings: In response to the many requests for a ...
What is window film?
Generally, window film provides specific personal and property protection from the effects of the sun as well as added safety ...